OOC: This journal is secret and its content and information obtained here may not be used in IC rp purposes.
- if you mean that you have read Qill's journal send me a tell before using any of the information given here.

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mandag den 21. marts 2011

Book V - page 37

Spend the last to days at the house with ami just relaxing in each others company...

Lyss came by to talk with me all a sudden Shanra came by as well both to talk about what to do with Ziz beeing gone.

Lyss held a meeting for the oath and suddenly

I felt ziz. She was trapped in netherstorm.

I gathered Shanra, Ami, Selasius, Lyss, Lokkie and Neesha to rescue her from her prison.

We had a long fight with the demon that held her captive but when we finally got her free, we took her too my house where Ami stayed with her…

Shanra was not pleaced when he left because of Zizs attitude towards him.

søndag den 20. marts 2011

Book V - page 36

I was just wandering around Stormwind today when all of a sudden i heart someone speak his name...
It was a human femal, one of the stormwind guards; Shanura her name was.

He left me... for HER! His little former apprentice
*her writing is hard and seems written with anger*

Stupid stupid girl... how did you not see... he never cared for you...

I meet with Lorich... it is nice to have one to just let it all out to... He is so good to me... Thou he does not realise how deep the darkness in me runs...

Well i went to find my dear sister but then Sivri came... she took her... and there was nothing i could do...

I meet with Sselascius and he agrees to help in getting ziz back... it is clear he has feelings for him.

I asked Shanra for help with both getting Ziz back and to get my ring from Yeb, he accepted.

fredag den 18. marts 2011

Book V - page 35 - not finished

Was contacted by cy, when to the base, talked with shanra and jill cy
Went with shanra to sfk “made out slightly” talked about treason
Followed him to the base where me meet with jill
She wantet to leave him
Shanra leaved the guild and confides in qill where he goes and askes her
to rejunite the sirens and train new
Meets with jill tells amy about shan leaving
Stays and whatches over jill the
entire night

onsdag den 16. marts 2011

Book V - page 34 - not finished

I ran into lorich a few night back and this evening we meet again… I
have missed him…
I remember our night togather before all of this… before ziz, before
Erinyea awoke, before yeb, before the shadows…
We talked and played for a long time… its like all of the darkness had
never occurred when I am with him, he is always so playful and good to me…
But alas my mind is still somewhere
else… thoug he is never commung back I know that now… he is back but has never
be farther away than now…

søndag den 13. marts 2011

Book V - page 33 - not finished

Goes to the guild house
Meets larnya and rocura lar has just been whipped by cy
Amy comes and so does amarisa
When jill comes they go away to talk
Become very close
Almost together
Wants to hear about sirens and if she likes it then to become one
Sleeps together under the night sky

torsdag den 10. marts 2011

Book V - page 32 - not finished

Goes to the guild house
Meets larnya and rocura lar has just been whipped by cy
Amy comes and so does amarisa
When jill comes they go away to talk
Become very close
Almost together
Wants to hear about sirens and if she likes it then to become one
Sleeps together under the night sky

mandag den 7. marts 2011

Book V - page 31 - not finished

Sees cy talking with an elf telling him she it the mother of his child
Cy fights the assasin that also attacked broack
Feels yeb and reache out for him, someone “else” reaches back… she is
allowed to see him but another day… he will contact her…
Engulfs herself in shadow as she
looses utter control and erinyea takes over…

fredag den 4. marts 2011

Book V - page 30 - not finished

Meets with shanra to train
He is cool and satys away from her
She drinks from a goblet and he keeps his helmit on
She breaks down crying and runs off

tirsdag den 1. marts 2011

Book V - page 29 - not finished

Shanra called qill to the tower was with jill and silkun
Wants silkun to become a siren but she doesent want to and disrespeckts
Talks about clothes with Mariae shanra gives her the order to infiltrate
argen bettalion
Qill offers her help with this
Goes to sfk to train with shanra jill comes along
Feeds together with jill
Starts to learn shadow conjuration,
erinyea helps her
After shanra leaves qill talks with