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søndag den 8. oktober 2017

Book VII - Page 31

Why in all the nether does she need to put people on my tail to protect me? So easy to get everyone else to do it.. I could have ripped Ohirius apart at that moment.. My mind was completely somewhere else.

Runing into Eli and Kaelther and Eli wanting me to refresh why i left in such a hurry the day before... well i still don't know if i am safe around him if he finds out, so i need to be careful but he is making it very difficult as i only feel my desire for him grow.

I couldn't hold back we seem so alike in so many ways and he knows exactly what to say and which buttons to push.. It is not like he is using it against me cause he has this soft and gentle side that i did not expect.. the hatred for what he has become and what he looks like because of it yet knowing the power and strength it gives him.

I wanted to take Ziz to meet him and i wanted to have her make the rune again so i thought i would make her do it someplace i knew Eli would find us.. i just didn't know Zizey would affect me so...
It turned into a horrible mess and non of them trusts each other in any way. Well i need to work on that.
Finding him in Shadowmoon in his demon form well at least we finally got everything out in the open and it seems that we are even more alike than i first thought...

Book VII - Page 30

Well Rem has been gone for a while now.. so i seem to be draw to this other demon hunter.. i mean in the way of going further with the teachings Rem started...

I saw them in Duskwood out patroling on their felsabers.

Their leader clearly knew i was following them but then again this time i had no reason to hide. Seeing our previous two encounters had been so.. fruitful.

His second in command could be useful as well as he seems a bit... simpleminded.

I approached them at the haunt but i had Blade following me.. I told him to go off and finally he seemed to understand.

Well I got to speak with Elindras at the end.. Seems he was worried about me regarding Blade, fearing that he might have some control over me.. Well he would wish he had but no he is only pushing me farther away every time we speak.

And meeting the group in Stormwind we went to go talk. I do think I am getting closer to Eli but i feel i should be very weary of this person cause i feel him stirring something in me as well.

And the kiss... I needed to get away..i couldn't pull it together.. What is it he is doing to me???

Book VII - Page 29

The night was amazing.. I know he has been holding back a lot and we have not been very intimate.. but this... I had not thought a hunter could be so gentle and caring...

I needed to know that we were still in this together.. Needed to feel that his words were more..
I was happy to know that i had made him rest for the first time in a long long time. My presence soothing the horrors of his mind enough for a peaceful rest to find him.

Finally he let the demons of his past.. the worries of what this could mean behind.. But i feel that as long as he is open with me it cannot fail..

We can overcome this together, his teachings in the ways of the hunter makes me stronger, strong enough to stand at his side in his inner struggle as well.
He has the ring to protect. I can not give more now...

I know it was hard fro him to let go and see past his focus on war and revenge.. To see me as well..
To say i bring out the elf in him he had almost forgotten, the man he was.. before..

I am still unsure about him wanting to speak with her again, Erinyea is so unpredictable and there is always a chance i can not regain control... But i will do what he asks.. My life is in his hands and i trust him with it.
I fear how the elven runestones magic will affect it all.

But i really dont have his patience, walk from Stranglethorn to Eversong? Good thing i was able to persuade him.. I would have gone mad.
And he dared call me lazy.. i was the one doing the flying!

He can seem a bit to cocky when i try to warn him of her... i just hope nothing will go wrong.

Well we stayed at Zizey camp for the night before moving towards Eversong...