Met with Ferow after not seeing him for what seemed like an age. Last I saw him was Ashenvale, and the cheek of it he hadn't even written to me in all that time! Though I can understand why, trapped in combat with a faceless one and a failing group of comrades.. I understand that struggle all to well.
We spoke in length about his feelings towards Shan're he seemed to think he was not permitted such, that his emotions and thoughts were not important, nor relevant in any form. I tried my best to convince him otherwise but my words held little sway in this situation. It saddens me to see him so lost.
I did manage to guide him into the idea of an Alliance with the Accord. He brang one of his own to the camp and the talk began. It was tense in parts but such was looked past as was the past. Sadly however the offer given to us was fairly one sided in the eyes of Eli, they would not fight with us on Argus only upon Azaroth. Things left unclear, Kas and Shan both think he is hiding something and I am starting to see such also.
Ferow has changed so much, to much. Ruined the image I had of him once before, a shame truly he was such an interesting soul until he became a timid, tamed beast.
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