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søndag den 8. december 2013

Book VI - page 31

Lorich found me... It was nice to see his face again... It has been a long time and it seems a different life when we were close friends. Though with him it is as not a day has passed which is peacful a place i can hide from the grotesque realities of the world.

I ran into that alluring human from Starlight Ibelin and he hat Shari with him, she recognized me instantly.

It could be very good business to work together Sirens and Redmoore Investigations. Something to think more about and maybe have a talk about when the time is right.

Vakil found me, he always does, he made me promise not to tell anything about him.

I left as i felt her take over... I have been to secure... too long...

Ah how easy indeed my little gem... But we are one... I will keep you safe and our goal are the same as long as they do not collide.
I have thirsted for so long... and to have him by my side is pleasurable...
But now to sleep and train...

After what happened i was walking the streets of Stormwind, not able to find rest, when something caught my attention. A lone paladin standing under a tree near the gazebo overlooking the canal. He seemed trying to find peach but Stormwind at night... that is almost impossible...

I approached him, we talked and i took him to the my quiet place.

He seems lost... Without purpose... He follows the light but it seems more of a mundane task, than passion driving him...

I hope we will cross paths again...

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