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søndag den 4. februar 2018

Book VII - Page 38

So Keal has his old lover back.. it is strange I am not sure how to go around it.. I mean i am really happy for him and all but well with what has happened and Keal means a lot to me not like Eli but still...
Diel came around he wanted to push forward on the research around me.. I asked to have Shan're presence and he agreed to it just to observe at least. I feel safer knowing i will have him there at least...

I went to talk with Ferow in Astranaar. Not much of the Ferow i remembered left.. So much more like Ami now... I was sad... But i understand why he wants to be more in control and less driven by his instincts... He will talk to the rest of his council about an alliance...

I brought Blade to the base to meet with Eli in regards to the alliance... And yes he felt i had stabbed him in the back getting him to swear to me...

Also met some magus Kediir who is part of the court. An elf of the Kirin Tor i think.. He seems a bit like a stick in the mud but well a good one at least...

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