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tirsdag den 22. februar 2011

Book V - page 18

I meet Cy by the harbour told him about my deal with shanra.
He litterally exploded with rage because he thinks i am just another of Shanras "sex toys" he does not trust in my stregth and resolve.
I went after him, but the alligations and his unwilllingness to listen to my side of it all made me so angry that i finally too off... needed to hunt... too kill... release my anger...

I want to Northshire as i had heard rumors that the people had problems with the orcs that had invaded... I killed a lot before Cy came and stopped me.
He attacked me, biting deem into my neck tryin to dominate me and show that he was alfa but then amirol showed up and Cy ran of furiously.

Ami took me away to the mountains where he healed my wound.

Later i went back to the city where i ran into Cy at the cathedral. I was calm again and so he seemed to be. We went to the harbour and talked about it all. He was confused if he should stay or go, he told me i had a power over him a feral attraction that he had a hard time resisting.

I could not let him go even thou i knew the potentiel danger of him attacking me again but i just did not want to loose him, we are kindred spirits in so many ways, he understands my feral nature and my temper because of it.
That i do not always have time to think things through but sometimes just act and that it leaves me in bad situations. Yeb *names scratched out* One always looked down on me for that trait, calling me immatur and a child.

Cy and i went outside the city to a small grove where i like to stay, we talked for hours by a large tree, i was in my feline form with my head resting on his leg as he stroked my mane.

Derathorn was holding a trining session that evening but i told Cy i was not sure i would attend because of my fight with Ziz, but then she contacted me and asked me to come join. Cy encurrages me to go, saying that he needed to cool a little off again feeling his blood rise along with his lust for me, so i took off leaving him behind.

I dont knwo why she called me cause she was stubborn like always...
The Cy came to the training grounds and he was in a rather playfull mood, stealing Grims sandwich and teasing Alerie... witch i think he has been mated with before Talila.

There situation tensed as Grim did not find anything amusing, but Ziz and I fended it off and Cy left.

I went over to talk to amirol who was also there and as the night grew darker and most of the others left they keep talking sharing a bottle of wine.

Then Sivri came and she seemed to have taken control over Alerie. They attacked and i fought Alerie, she was so strong and powerfull but i stood my ground.

Ami went for Sivri, bad move he is not strong enough against her.
Halward and Cedrinn was in the middle of it all running around like chickens trying to help.

AMi actually got a lucky strike on Sivri so Alerie flew off with her. But something had happened to Ami during their fight, like with Alerie, he was changed, darker but he did not turn against us so i could not be sure.

I got the others away to safety and stood watching Ami as Adrias contacted him, telling that Sivri had been seen leaving an elf behind on the ground.
Shortly after Alerie returned and Ami almost attacked her but i got him to leave, not sure how...
I talked with ALerie thou it was hard keeping my own temper. But i needed to find out what had happened. She did not remember anything, Sivri had taken over her mind somehow.

Alerie went home to Lokkie and i sat behind in the darkness of the night until something touched my mind. It was Ami and it wasent, seems Sivri awoke a darkness inside of him. I went to seek him out, wanting to get Ami back... safe...
He was in a cave in the mountains behind Elwynn.

I meet whist this darkness in Amis body. It calles it self Vakil'Soth and has been created by Ami and Ziz mother, as somekind of dark poison.

He nails me to the ground with vines, he wants me to find someone called Desdel the one that killed they mother. He resides with the bloodelves at the lord Ziz was to marrie.

I agree to keep Ami safe or Vakil would destroy them both but i want in return to know the feeling Ami holds for me... i need to know... And i was right... he does care for me...

We seal the deal and i leave to find out more about this Desdel...
Hold on Amirol i will do what is nessecary to keep you safe.

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