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tirsdag den 29. maj 2012

Book VI - page 24

It is so hard for me.. all the feelings comming back.

I have been hiding on the boat again, training and i called Jade to me, was that unfair of me to do, to take her away from her lover?
She was how ever a help to me... keeping my mind free of to many thoughts.

I dont know how strong i can stay around him... He is my lord and i have told Diigar this.
Diigar wanted me to be the dark leader and i tried to tell him the consequence of that possition.

The dark mistress or the feral druid? I have so long struggled between the two sides, can they be one?

I have chosen my path for now to strengthen in the shadows...
I feel free for once no thought of Yebern for so long... am i finally starting to heal?

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