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onsdag den 12. april 2017

Book VII - Page 25

To think he actually had med worried for his life... I will not make that mistake twice...

He dosent seem to understand.. I cant let him go.. If I do now.. he will kill me.. or well he will try to.. he will stop at nothing until he learns of my secret and learns how to either control me or destroy me.

Why did he need to force into doing this... Should I set him free? I have enough to keep me safe and he still does not know what I am... That I by myself am stronger than he thinks...

I do like this power I hold I will not deny that... but still is this me? I know it is a part of me but is this not what I have tried to keep locked away? Or am I just thinking like this because i am holding the leash this time?

Well I will look forward to see what my little... gift... has stirred...

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