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søndag den 17. marts 2019

Book VII - Page 55

Found Shan're in the Graveyard this evening, I was so happy to see him after so long at the same time hurt he believed what had happened was true. He should- I thought he new me better being as close to me as he was. I admitted he was like a brother, but his cold tone proved more time would be needed.

He needed something however, his body was dying, of course it was he needed my blood, my powers. Of course I was going to give such, I was not going to let him die. He needed me on the one day I had something arranged, I need to find a way to get to him. He does not have the time to spare anymore.

We spoke of the children, we were worried that someone would try harm them to get to Eli. Trying to keep it hidden is becoming -very- difficult along side other signs showing that betray me. Bah, he tried to tell me not to come to the ritual thinking me fragile because of it and that Eli owned me. He should know better. Though I understand his worry, Eli would likely try hurt him if I did gain any wounds.

We spoke of Rey, how her condition hasn't been the same since that day she healed him and vanished. She needs to stabilize, I am struggling to find a way with everything that is happening.

We spoke a bit more regarding Lilith and the book with Lady Deaths teachings within it could aid him in controlling the void without going completely insane. The conversation turned once more Argus was brang up, worries on how the Watchers might take actions against the Hunters once more. Though I feel it will not happen. Not unless they desire war.

We left one another again on a higher note than how it began. I am grateful we got to speak, I have missed him terribly. I just hope I can fix what I broke.

Book VII - Page 54

Arathriel came to the roofs of the City tonight seeking me out. He desired the leystone charm Shan was creating. The two are still together it would seem regardless of the happenings as of late. I diverted for a small while, it still stung with the distance between the two of us. Alas I stated I would give it to Rey, and she could give it to who ever she pleases, I can't say I cared much for such.

I met a curious bird today, all on its own on a rock. Took me a moment to realize it was a druid then he turned into a charming human by the name of Alexander. We spoke for quiet some time about Ashenvale and my travels from there to here and why going back was not desired.

Thinking of them forests both warms my heart and cools the flesh. I do miss it sometimes. Regardless we headed to Gilneas, I always forget how much water there is..  none the less it was a breathtaking sight to behold.

We had some fun, jumping of cliffs and shifting, he even threw me into the water! That's when it got more fun, an unspoken challenge to see who could hold there breath longest, naturally I was going to win but it was amusing to watch him try.

He clearly wanted more than the playful banter and wrestling but he new I was taken, so I helped set him up with one of my draenei friends. He was eager bless him.

I went home after that in a far better mood then what the morning had brang.

Book VII - Page 53

The Court went on a mission tonight, I was unable to attend though now I wish I had for if I had maybe Rey would not have fallen to her fate and Shan're may not have met such grim wounding and Eli would not be cold and distant. I should of gone..

She must of used far to much shadow for her body to handle, I warned her of this at least I know where she will end up but getting there is going to be difficult. I will bring her back, I must for Eli and myself, I have grown ever so fond of her. I will not leave her to this fate.

I will find her. I must.

Book VII - Page 52

I met Lwyillia in the city tonight, she asked me to teach her in the ways of shadow healing. First lesson, shadow does not heal it harms, it burns it hurts..  but it can 'mend' it seems many get this fact mixed up more often than not.

We agreed to start on Tuesday, though I have some doubts on this matter. Was her mind strong enough to handle the power, the influence of the dark, we will find out in time but I will keep an eye on her.

After that we went for a drink at the Slaughtered Lamb, not my favorit place, it has always attracted the worst types, but that its charm, so many interesting souls walking in and out. I grew tierd however, so I set out again for the ship, briefly stopping at the camp for some idle chatter with a few of the court.

All in all a calm day, now I shall spend the rest of it with my love.

Book VII - Page 51

Eli seemed in a lovely mood tonight, such was a nice change. Nothing had boiled his blood or caused him to become frustrated, it warms my heart to see him this way, the softness, the charm.

We started to speak of the order, with Kaaellus stepping down we needed a replacement and he thought myself and Shan're might both be good choices and any other who wished to aid.

Still in need of fixing the runes, Shan're's tampering did a number on the system. I need to get his word he will not do such again before offering him a new one and setting up the system a second time.

Ferow came to camp with a verdict on the alliance talks. Regretfully it was not the answer I wished to hear, declining and then heading back to Ashenvale. I offered my aid if ever he needed it as always.

After such I managed to catch Shan for our little talk regarding the runes. He promised not to tamper again, and I wanted to teach him how to make the runes and how to shut them down if needed. Though to do such he needed to be more connected.

A test of trust and will, as I needed his blood in my veins. For this he had to stab himself in the heart, and then myself - never have been good with stabbing myself. I feel this act brang us a little closer, though I had forgotten the feeling of bliss his blood and the seething pain granted.

I had to take a moment to gather my thoughts to keep her contained also, I can feel her smirking. I had to keep my distance from him for a couple hours at least, but it was done now. But this feeling was not passing, I needed Eli and there he was.

I pounced upon him, wishing nothing more than to feel him against me he did allow it my mind cleared but the desire never faded. He was pulled away again I will have to get him on the ship, I can't keep this pent up.

Book VII - Page 50

Met with Ferow after not seeing him for what seemed like an age. Last I saw him was Ashenvale, and the cheek of it he hadn't even written to me in all that time! Though I can understand why, trapped in combat with a faceless one and a failing group of comrades..  I understand that struggle all to well.

We spoke in length about his feelings towards Shan're he seemed to think he was not permitted such, that his emotions and thoughts were not important, nor relevant in any form. I tried my best to convince him otherwise but my words held little sway in this situation. It saddens me to see him so lost.

I did manage to guide him into the idea of an Alliance with the Accord. He brang one of his own to the camp and the talk began. It was tense in parts but such was looked past as was the past. Sadly however the offer given to us was fairly one sided in the eyes of Eli, they would not fight with us on Argus only upon Azaroth. Things left unclear, Kas and Shan both think he is hiding something and I am starting to see such also.

Ferow has changed so much, to much. Ruined the image I had of him once before, a shame truly he was such an interesting soul until he became a timid, tamed beast.

Book VII - Page 49

Duskwood seemed ever so empty tonight, peaceful for a change. Eli, Kas and Shan did a patrol with me before heading back to the camp. I was in a devilish mood and teased Kas with my fanged grins.
We went for a lovely princess tea party, everyone had to dress up we women in trouser outfits and in dresses the men! Oh they looked so dashing and far to comfortable! I had to hold in my laughter more than once.

We settled on a small island on the border of Stranglethorn where a camp fire, pillows and food had been set up, tea was boiling and the chatter began.

Arathriel seemed to be acting odd, wandering off else where for a while. Upon asking if he is doing alright, he stated his condition was getting worse. I told him to fight or indulge either one I would support him.

Sadly the rain came putting a pause on the tea party for a short time, but instead of sulking like many of them where I dragged the boys into the water with some effort. Their such a bore at times! It was relaxing still but no fun, even as I tried to start a water fight all they did was whine about there hair..  of all things.

We headed back to camp afterward, it was a shame it couldn't last longer. Arathriel finally admitted that Shan and him were friends, that brang a smile to my lips knowing they had bonded in some way.
We spoke of Farrow, Shan thought it best he leave him on account of placing him in danger both physically and mentally. I offered him teachings, how to sway the mind of others with words and scent alone. He seemed interested.

We arrived again in Duskwood, where an Ebon was making empty threats towards a few of the court, though they did dare to attack how I wished to rip them apart arrogant fools! All over a demon and talk of necromancy.

After the guard had come forth and the demon had fled we headed back to the City, back to camp. The runes had been shut down and tampered with by whom unknown but it is ever so annoying having to fix them -again-

Shan then called for aid, he was in dire need of aid it seems, we found him in a barn blooded and badly wounded. We dragged him back to camp, I healed him swiftly though that shoulder would likely not work properly again for a while. What the hell did he get himself into this time!?

Book VII - Page 48

Late again! Thankfully they had not left yet. Shan're had located the Grimoire in record time, never disappoints in divination amazes me still how swiftly he can find objects. Sadly this one seemed to be in the grips of a void being by the name of Kraltin who had hidden away in the lush and beautiful lands of Pandaria.

It seemed critical Shan're not be taken captive, though the reason not told how he though I would let anyone take him was beyond me. Frustratingly enough I could not join them at first, someone was missing and I had wait for them to arrive. Lwyllia a new members of the Court. We set of meeting with the others in a dusty trap riddled place.

Kraltins challenges seemed easy at first, suppress the magics in the room or be lost to his traps. I could suppress such with ease, yet keeping my own looming darkness from taking control was the more dire situation near the end.

He spoke once more, less taunting more a riddle and far more concerning than the last 'challenge' set. "Be what you are ment to be and you may cross unharmed." What was I? Demon, elf, beast. Thankfully Shan're protected me with his magics so I could pass without need of playing this creatures mind games.

The next room held a cold chill, unnatural magical that only grew harsher. It was odd feeling the cold again only she could bring on such discomfort. Ha, Kraltin tried to take us all as fools, offering desires to all those present, the price. Shan're. He did not predict our loyalty, and lost the game.

Book VII - Page 47

Arathriel got himself dragged into some other hunters mess, humans two of them rather crass had asked for some form of aid only to dismiss it by running off and hiding behind a wall. An odd start to my day for sure.

He started to question however, so we took a walk unable to show him aspects of what I do, my magics after all where not seen kindly upon. The forest seemed the best place, so he flew us there. Where I changed clothing, his reaction was like all the others, stumbling stutters and stiff responses. Its not even amusing anymore how easily they fall pray to the smallest sight of flesh.

Our talk was sadly cut short, he was summoned away to a distressed kinsmen and I myself to the camp, mildly frustrating considering my curiosity had been perked but not sated. My reason for going to camp became all to clear, Deal had been waiting to advance his research and I had been postponing on account of Shan're being away.

I could not keep him waiting any longer that seemed unfair though I could not go alone, Eli would blow a fuse. Good thing Til was near by, on his word he swore he would not inform of the details of the project to Eli. Soon he would break that, and some trust I held for him would fade, but such I would not let on, not yet.

Moonbrook again, that glass box was getting ever more uncomfortable etch time I lay in it. We three spoke of the ring, for a short time, I still felt wary of letting go of the safety net, yet what this might do to my unborn s was unknown and such pushed things forward far faster than what I was ready for.

Erinyea was let out, I only heard and saw so much, but a sudden pleased shudder showing someone had fed her some unfortunate soul. Once back at camp, Eli was clearly mistrusting of the situation though he knew of it, in some form. He stormed off in a rage.

My frustration over this crumbled upon seeing Jil! My long lost dearest sister, I couldn't believe it until she was in my arms. I was so exstatic! We spoke for a short time before a Kaldorei girl was dropped off at camp, the one with an odd shadowy taint against her soul. At first the ship may have been the best place, yet home would be better, Eli did not approve to the ship as normal.

Deal came back to camp, along side Eli who had clear intent on ending his life, yet could not as he was a mere mirror image. He demanded an artifact back Eli had stolen, even with this being Thil's fault the blame was on me idle threats of loss of life, life I cared not for but the hassle would be an inconvenience. Trying to convince Eli to return it should take little.

After all this I finally went to find Eli, brooding under a tree. Makes me wish we were back on Argus life though hard was simple, easy and passionate. Just us, he missed such. His rage grew as we spoke of Deal and the deal made between us. He wanted to change it, he had the means to - the artifact.

Book VII - Page 46

They left him.. on Argus!!!
I couldnt find myself in my rage, no reasonable thought I could only think of getting him back.
Thila and Keal was too calm, so sure he was okay but no one knew anything.

Thila told Keal to stay back because the demon forces were to great because he wanted to go ahead with me, but that made him stop.
They kept debating so i left.. I needed to know he was out there..

Keal trusted me and just made me promise to come back alive.
But there were so many..

The others came the next day.. I spend the night hiding in the pile of dead bodies meeting them when they returned to Argus.

We fought in the legions ship until we managed to find Kaaellus and him.. We got them free but were ambushed and needed to retreat fast... we got Kaaellus back..
Eli and I got separated from he rest not getting to the portal as the ship blew up...