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søndag den 17. marts 2019

Book VII - Page 46

They left him.. on Argus!!!
I couldnt find myself in my rage, no reasonable thought I could only think of getting him back.
Thila and Keal was too calm, so sure he was okay but no one knew anything.

Thila told Keal to stay back because the demon forces were to great because he wanted to go ahead with me, but that made him stop.
They kept debating so i left.. I needed to know he was out there..

Keal trusted me and just made me promise to come back alive.
But there were so many..

The others came the next day.. I spend the night hiding in the pile of dead bodies meeting them when they returned to Argus.

We fought in the legions ship until we managed to find Kaaellus and him.. We got them free but were ambushed and needed to retreat fast... we got Kaaellus back..
Eli and I got separated from he rest not getting to the portal as the ship blew up...

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