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søndag den 17. marts 2019

Book VII - Page 54

Arathriel came to the roofs of the City tonight seeking me out. He desired the leystone charm Shan was creating. The two are still together it would seem regardless of the happenings as of late. I diverted for a small while, it still stung with the distance between the two of us. Alas I stated I would give it to Rey, and she could give it to who ever she pleases, I can't say I cared much for such.

I met a curious bird today, all on its own on a rock. Took me a moment to realize it was a druid then he turned into a charming human by the name of Alexander. We spoke for quiet some time about Ashenvale and my travels from there to here and why going back was not desired.

Thinking of them forests both warms my heart and cools the flesh. I do miss it sometimes. Regardless we headed to Gilneas, I always forget how much water there is..  none the less it was a breathtaking sight to behold.

We had some fun, jumping of cliffs and shifting, he even threw me into the water! That's when it got more fun, an unspoken challenge to see who could hold there breath longest, naturally I was going to win but it was amusing to watch him try.

He clearly wanted more than the playful banter and wrestling but he new I was taken, so I helped set him up with one of my draenei friends. He was eager bless him.

I went home after that in a far better mood then what the morning had brang.

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